Given two strings s and t of lengths m and n respectively, return the minimum window substring ofssuch that every character int(including duplicates) is included in the window. If there is no such substring, return the empty string"".
The testcases will be generated such that the answer is unique.
A substring is a contiguous sequence of characters within the string.
Example 1:
Input: s = “ADOBECODEBANC”, t = “ABC” Output: “BANC” Explanation: The minimum window substring “BANC” includes ‘A’, ‘B’, and ‘C’ from string t.
Example 2:
Input: s = “a”, t = “a” Output: “a” Explanation: The entire string s is the minimum window.
Example 3:
Input: s = “a”, t = “aa” Output: “” Explanation: Both ‘a’s from t must be included in the window. Since the largest window of s only has one ‘a’, return empty string.
m == s.length
n == t.length
1 <= m, n <= 105
s and t consist of uppercase and lowercase English letters.
Follow up: Could you find an algorithm that runs in O(m + n) time?
首先是对比 s 是不是包含 t 的方式,我们用 hashmap 里面存着 wordcount。另外有 total counter 来记录是不是都 include 了
==sliding window 的办法来选取最小的 window,two pointers i, j:==
# Dictionary which keeps a count of all the unique characters in t. dict_t = Counter(t)
# Number of unique characters in t, which need to be present in the desired window. required = len(dict_t)
# left and right pointer l, r = 0, 0
# formed is used to keep track of how many unique characters in t are present in the current window in its desired frequency. # e.g. if t is "AABC" then the window must have two A's, one B and one C. Thus formed would be = 3 when all these conditions are met. formed = 0
# Dictionary which keeps a count of all the unique characters in the current window. window_counts = {}
# ans tuple of the form (window length, left, right) ans = float("inf"), None, None
while r < len(s):
# Add one character from the right to the window character = s[r] window_counts[character] = window_counts.get(character, 0) + 1
# If the frequency of the current character added equals to the desired count in t then increment the formed count by 1. if character in dict_t and window_counts[character] == dict_t[character]: formed += 1
# Try and contract the window till the point where it ceases to be 'desirable'. while l <= r and formed == required: character = s[l]
# Save the smallest window until now. if r - l + 1 < ans[0]: ans = (r - l + 1, l, r)
# The character at the position pointed by the `left` pointer is no longer a part of the window. window_counts[character] -= 1 if character in dict_t and window_counts[character] < dict_t[character]: formed -= 1
# Move the left pointer ahead, this would help to look for a new window. l += 1
# Keep expanding the window once we are done contracting. r += 1 return""if ans[0] == float("inf") else s[ans[1] : ans[2] + 1]
==Optimized Sliding Window (build char2idx map)==
O(2*filtered_S + S +T)/O(S + T)
==对于 s 很长且很多 char 不在 t 中,构建 filtered_S, filtered_S 里面只包含了 t 中出现的 chars,之后都一样了,之后 iterate filtered_S 就更快了==
1 2 3
S = "ABCDDDDDDEEAFFBC" T = "ABC" filtered_S = [(0, 'A'), (1, 'B'), (2, 'C'), (11, 'A'), (14, 'B'), (15, 'C')] Here (0, 'A') means in string S character A is at index 0.
# Filter all the characters from s into a new list along with their index. # The filtering criteria is that the character should be present in t. filtered_s = [] for i, char inenumerate(s): if char in dict_t: filtered_s.append((i, char))
l, r = 0, 0 formed = 0 window_counts = {}
ans = float("inf"), None, None
# Look for the characters only in the filtered list instead of entire s. This helps to reduce our search. # Hence, we follow the sliding window approach on as small list. while r < len(filtered_s): character = filtered_s[r][1] window_counts[character] = window_counts.get(character, 0) + 1
if window_counts[character] == dict_t[character]: formed += 1
# If the current window has all the characters in desired frequencies i.e. t is present in the window while l <= r and formed == required: character = filtered_s[l][1]
# Save the smallest window until now. end = filtered_s[r][0] start = filtered_s[l][0] if end - start + 1 < ans[0]: ans = (end - start + 1, start, end)
window_counts[character] -= 1 if window_counts[character] < dict_t[character]: formed -= 1 l += 1