主要解决 single image 3D human pose and shape estimation 里面的 occlusion 问题
1. 问题
SOTA single image method 经常是 ResNet 提取 features 之后直接 regress SMPL params.
文章认为 这种提取出来的 global feature, 对于 pixel changes 非常的 sensitive,所以对于 occlusion performance bad
1.1 Occlusion
存在 self-occlusion, close-range interaction with other people occlusion, and occlusion due to objects
2. Intro
- 3D body params branch,产生
dimensions 的能直接 regress SMPL params 的 features, 就是 embed dimensions - 2D joints segmentation mask, 产生类似 attention 的
dimensions 的, 是 number of joints, 对于每个 pixel 都产生 probability that it belongs to one joint.
这里的 intuition 是,to be robust to occlusion (pixel changes), model should leverage pixel-aligned image features of visible parts to reason about the occluded parts.
这里 ==pixel-aligned image features 我的理解是 pixel-wise features.==
但是不够,==这里也希望说 occluded parts 不能影响到 visible parts, 然后还希望 visible parts help occluded parts.==
所以需要 attention 来生成 joint features dependent only visible parts pixels (soft-attention mask)
这里的训练方法是 2D joints segmentation mask 先分开 supervised training,之后再和 3D body params branch 一起训练
这里也是实验得出的 效果最好的训练方式
- 不单独训练 2D,直接一起训练 (效果最差)
- 单独训练 2D 之后,weight freeze
- 单独训练 2D 之后,合在一起训练 (Best)
这里 第三种的意思 是,希望 attention 能学习到 用 visible 来 预测 occluded,**(希望不只是 joints segmentation mask 了)**
之后 combine 在一起之后直接 regress SMPL parameters
看 Methods 里面的 图片
3. related works
3.1 implicit occlusion handling (data augmentation)
之前的办法就是 data augmentation, cropping frame, overlaying patches as occluding body parts
Cheng et al. apply augmentations to heatmaps that contain richer semantic information and hence occlusions can be simulated in a more intelligent way
就是说在 heatmaps 上面做 augmentation,比起直接挡掉更能模拟真实的 occlusion
作者认为虽然有帮助,但是 不够 平常的 occlusions 那样 complex,而且作者认为模型架构上需要改变
总之对于 implicit occlusion 就是看不起
3.2 explicit occlusion handling
Cheng et al. [9] avoid including occluded joints when computing losses during training. Such visibility information is obtained by approximating the human body as a set of cylinders, which is not realistic and only handles self occlusion.
把人想成 set of cylinders, 然后把 occluded joints 部分的 loss 在 training 的时候删除
作者认为 这种 approximation 不好,而且只能处理 self occlusion
Wang et al. [56] learn to predict occlusion labels to zero out occluded keypoints before applying temporal convolution over a sequence of 2D keypoints.
这里是想 预测 occlusion label for keypoints,我理解是想法和上面类似,把 occluded 的部分的 loss 删除
Zhang et al. [61] leverage saliency masks as visibility information to gain robustness to scene/object occlusions. Human meshes are parameterized by UV maps where each pixel stores the 3D location of a vertex, and occlusions are cast as an image-inpainting problem.
用 saliency map, 把人体弄成 UV maps,然后 occlusion 被看成是 image inpainting problem,我理解是 直接涂掉是 一样的
作者认为 in-the-wild data 可能没有很好的 saliency maps, UV-coordinates 能导致 mesh artifacts.
4. occlusion sensitivity analysis
就是检测 算法对于 occlusion 的 sensitivity 程度的
To extract features from the input image I, current direct regression approaches [24, 29] use a ResNet-50 [17] backbone and take the features after global average pooling (GAP), followed by an MLP that regresses and refifines the parameters iteratively.
当前的方法就是 resnet50 提取 image feature, 之后 global average pooling, 最后 MLP 生成 SMPL params
Zeiler et al. [60] who systematically cover different portions of the image with a gray square to analyze how feature maps and classififier output changes. In contrast, we slide a gray occlusion patch over the image and regress body poses using SPIN [29]. Instead of computing a classifification score as in [60], we measure the per joint Euclidean distance between ground truth and predicted joints.
这里的 difference 感觉比较 trivial,我的理解是这里的 sliding 更有更全一些的 output,就之前是 different portios, 这里是 every pixel
We create an error heatmap, in which each pixel indicates how much error the model creates for joint j when the occluder is centered on this pixel.
这里就会产生在 遮挡 square 的中心点在 某个 pixel 上时,预测出来的 joint 和 GT joint 的 error 是多少,然后这个 error 就导致了heatmap 上 这个 pixel 的颜色。

这里是跑 model SPIN 的结果,作者从中得出三个结论:
error集中在人的pixel上面,说明 SPIN working
原来能看见的 joints 现在被挡住了产生的 error 更大
==本来就挡住的 joints,能从其他的 joints 中 infer 出来
可以从对比 left/right ankles(occluded) 的 error 当把 thigh region occluded 的时候,发现 error 较大,说明有利用到 thigh 方面的 features==
5. Methods
5.1 SMPL 简单介绍
SMPL [33] represents the body pose and shape by
就是说 3D poses 里面包含了 24 个 joints (24 x 3 = 72), 然后 shape params 是 10-dims 的,最后生成的 mesh 有 6890 个 keypoints on surface.
这里的 W 就是把 SMPL 的 M 最后提取出 24 个 joints 的,用来和 GT 3D joint 对比来做 loss
5.2 Methods

先是 通过 CNN backbone (ResNet50) 来提取出来 pixel-aligned volumetric feature
之后通过 two branches:
- 2D part branch 来得到 “类似” joint segmentation mask 的 features,
, dimension = - 3D body branch 来直接生成给后面 SMPL regressor 用的 features,
, dimension =
理解成 soft attention mask, 中间的乘积叫做 hadamard product, 其实就是 elementwise product, 所以是 attention 然后
就是 num_joints embed_dims 的结构,类似于 joint features
This attention operation suggests that if a particular pixel has a higher attention weight, its corresponding feature contributes more to the final representation
就类似于去 pixel-aligned 的 features 里面找能相关的 pixels,开始的时候 2D joint map 就是 segmentation mask, 后面就变得灵活了
In the case of occlusion, however, if we predict part segmentation as
变得灵活的原因,不然的话 occluded joint feature 就都是 0 了,这里灵活之后就希望能够学习用 visible joints 来 infer missing joints
5.3 losses

就是 2D segmentation mask 的 loss,作者的意思是 前期 nonzero, 后期给 调成 0 来使学习 attention
6. implementation details
To increase robustness to occlusion, we use common occlusion augmentation techniques; i.e. synthetic occlusion(SynthOcc) [45] and random crop (RandCrop)
还是用了 occlusion data augmentation 的

这就是 ablation study 的结果,重点关注,parts, unsup, and parts/unsup,就代表了之前说的 三种

这是 occlusion data augmentation, 其实就是 inpaint objects over the person
Challenging Cases